Abdo Alaoui

Poems from the Novel: “Sparkling Ashes over the Rainbow”, 2014


Climb the tree and bring me a fruit
Old squirrel knows the truth
You and I are out of time
Our lives are not worth a dime

Hand in Hand

Give me your hand
I wish to stand
Whatever it might take
Make no mistake
Smoke out your fear
Get your compass clear
Dance with the storm
And keep your heart warm

Angry Wind

Angry wind
Don’t crush my wings
I long for a sky that gently sings
And spreads wisdom!

Angry wind
Let me stretch your shaking whir
Voices are noise and fear
Please let me hold your soul close
To my heart and again choose
Before we fuse and disappear

Angry wind
Squeeze your pride —sway,
And meet your freedom!

Cannot Fly

Don’t you know?
Not all birds can fly!
No matter how they sweat
Or stretch their wings
They cannot fly
Sometimes, when the vultures are away,
And the sky seems open at a glance
They sneak out, sing, dance, and sway
A snake blows in at once
Birds are sweet prey
Nice try! Nice try!

Save your Breath

Save your breath
When you travel around
Feed on your memories
Stand clear—vanish if you may!
All evidences sound
Like beautiful forgeries.
Keep awake!
Maybe the beat of your soul
Is fake!

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