About me

About Hami Hassan

My name is Hassan Hami. I hold a PhD in Political Sciences. I am a writer, poet, and novelist. I am a former career diplomat. I served in Mali, Norway, South Korea, the United States of America, Azerbaijan, Kirghizstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Iran. I was also a freelance journalist and adjunct professor for a short period of time.

As a novelist, poet, and political scientist, I published several books and articles in Arabic, French, and English, three languages I fluently speak. I also have working knowledge of Spanish.

about hami hassan

Why create a website?

Why a Website? Do I Want to make myself known? Am I driven by a boastful temptation? Not at all. My aim is to use every spare moment to feel free.

Free above all to use my hypothetical skill in creative writing. Is that all it’s about? Of course not. The fundamental reason is that I would like to share a life experience. The experience of someone who has written several books I published them despite my professional commitments. I did so almost anonymously, sometimes by using a pseudonym.

Was I scared of being framed or nailed out? Not at all! Humility and daily learning without pressure, constraints, or vanity have always been my driving engine and compass.


"This Website is original in its content, form, and spirit. I publish texts that have already been made public over the last twenty years."

Returning to the places that inspired the writing is an option that I consider, depending on the means available at the moment. The publication of certain texts will be done according to their coincidence with particular anniversaries that motivated or made it necessary to write them in the first place. Video or audio recordings will be associated with them.

I will also add new material, including short stories, novels, textbooks, and original articles in Arabic, English, and French. It is worth noting that texts that have already been translated into Azerbaijani and Russian will be published, too. The same choice will be applied to the Spanish and Turkish languages later.

So am I repudiating the existing publishing houses in my neighborhood? Not at all. This is only to say that I am keen to share new creative things without being at the mercy of publishers, who are, after all, businessmen and women. There will also be original audio and video material to make the website vivid and, hopefully, interesting.

hami hassan

Interview with Hassan Hami
