Quotes & Sayings in English

Quotes & Sayings by Hami Hassan

Idleness may be a source of inspiration. These quotes might repeat ideas I am not aware of, however they represent my feelings at the moment they came to my mind.

Reading doesn't mean we are done with learning. Learning is a daily struggle. The fight for perfection is a noble endeavor.

I was scared several times in my life. And every time, the fear was ungrounded.

How many idols have fallen into decay after being stumbled upon once?

Virtue for virtue, virtue for shame.

Suffering in love is not a sacrifice. It's foolishness; the heart never gives its approval.

The behavior of young generations is not an act of insolence. They only duplicate the nonsense their parents had shown them when they were young.

Love at first sight may not be fatal. It announces more strikes to come. They might be less lethal, but they are equally dangerous.

Faith is not a trade fund or a stock market. If it is displayed throughout the day, it cements heresy and brings about tremendous losses.

To replace the love of a mother with that of another woman is an ingratitude that nature might be tempted to tolerate. But to deceive both is more abject than a sin committed inadvertently.

They divorced. To him, his wife couldn’t stop snoring. To her, her husband couldn’t stop braying.

If you have deeply hurt a woman who loves you, make sure to offer her a chance to take revenge and disappear from her life forever.

Being unfaithful is a wrong note that everyone sings right.

The dog always barks for a reason. The caravan is a pretext.

To die from fear of dying, die without fear at all is better.

On the day of their first daughter’s wedding, the father sheds tears more than the mother. This is only an effect of optics and gravity. The father did not see his daughter grow up. The mother did. She worked hard to fill the void he may have left in their hearts both.

Being obsessed with changing the bedroom furniture, no matter what, might inspire the drastic idea of changing it all.

All the capitals of the world are alike. There’s cattle everywhere.

A drunkard becomes talkative when the sources of inspiration are missing.

Being obsessed with changing the bedroom furniture, no matter what, might inspire the drastic idea of changing it all.

All the capitals of the world are alike. There’s cattle everywhere.

Only the wife of an idiot can appreciate her husband's style clauses that grow in laughter.

Some animals resemble their masters. It is a matter of education.

We all remember the master who gave us the first blow—for the best and the worst.

At the end of every decade of our lives, we swear not to make the same mistakes again, but every time, we double, triple, or quadruple the bet. This is a matter of temperament and insecurity.

Some animals resemble their masters. It is a matter of education.

The call to prayer of the Fajr: some rise, others turn in bed. Both make the choice of heart and body—without a state of mind.

Watering a tree when rain falls down makes those who do not know how nature preserves itself and evacuates the rest scratch their teeth.

Jealousy is human. Revenge, too.

Crazy people are probably right to think that it’s the others who are crazy.

Fashion is a source of vanity.

The temporary that lasts can shorten the distance of 'Run if you can’.

Primary truths are primary only for those who do not know the laws of mathematics and physics.

The United Nations is a circus. They play the same numbers, giving the illusion that the nails of the show change every year.

Explaining your plan of action to a cerebellum is like inviting a forensic doctor to revive a body. The pursuit of knowledge and truth is neither a matter of pattern nor an art of handling a scalpel.

If the urge to choke takes you, lock yourself in the basement and scream like a madman. People will think you are crazy, but they’ll never know why you scream.

The most critical test for a lover is not when her girlfriend presents him to her parents. This happens when she introduces him to her inner circle of friends. He might end up like a smashed potato.

It is not with beautiful words that one can give a blind man his sigh back. The latter is smart enough to figure out the abyssal direction so-called straight men are taking.

It is rare for a mother to tell her son the story of her first love because his father is not on the list.

Pedophilia, incest, and orgy are the same old story. What is scandalous is the complicit silence and impunity.

There are magic numbers and curse numbers; the difference lies in the mental calculation and readiness to go beyond their symbolism.

Poor people who compete with each other to show off or pretend they are wealthy—which they are not—only prove they are rich in their expectations and poor in their illusion.

Sleeping on the ground—or under the stars—the scene does not matter, provided you let your body inquire about its roots.

Country maps are useless. Everyone now knows that the planners have been shortsighted, deceitful, and -ironically- manipulated.

The explorers and military ethnologists participated in bringing about genocide. To sustain their behaviors, some advance the argument of the reason of state. Yet, the absurdity of the reason is crystal clear.

A butt that accommodates itself with a chair and does not move, the termites will eventually take care of the fabric and the wood from which the chair is made.

Billions of people are to be fed by 2050—apocalyptic reports would randomly emphasize this. Let us first think about feeding those who are already here and need to be taken care of.

We are often tempted to take a look at our photo album for the sake of reviving our memories. And every time we do, photos reveal unmistakable truths and unseen details.

Doctors are often the first not to abide by hygienic rules. They lose hope in their patients' wisdom and, therefore, are caught by the contagion.

I generally have very good memories of my teachers. They did their best to keep me from discovering what they were unable to understand and deliver. But they prepared me for the test of the wind when I was out of arguments.

Never close the door of your heart to double-turn. Leave the chance for the one who loves you to go around to break in and join you.

Do not complain about the ingratitude of your relatives and friends. It happens to you too—and often—to be ungrateful, but you are not aware of it.

I generally have very good memories of my teachers. They did their best to keep me from discovering what they were unable to understand and communicate. But they prepared me for the test of the wind when I was out of arguments.

While the wise men torture their meninges, the fools nurture the nonsense and make fun of them.

If you want to break a relationship that drags you into the mud, shoot yourself a bullet in the head—and send your soul to discuss the terms of the truce with your partner and heirs.
