Visual Arts
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Art is above all the generosity and sharing of plastic and artistic experiences. A few fiends, painters and sculptors, have been so nice to produce paintings and sculptures to illustrate the covers books.
I take this opportunity to thank them for their generous offer by presenting a sheet of their very inspiring creative works.
Imad Mansour.
Imad Mansour Biography
Imad Mansour generously created and offered one sculpture as a cover for the novel “Scratches never heal” and two paintings, one for the novel “Sparkling Ashes over the Rainbow” and one for the novel “Suicide à distance,” respectively.
I am grateful to him for accepting that I share some of his paintings and sculptures on this page of Visual Arts.
Imad is a well-known painter and sculptor. Born in Iraq, he studied visual arts and cinema at the Beaux Arts in Baghdad, Scenography at the Jacques Lecoq International School in Paris. Imbued with Mesopotamian art, Imad Mansour reinvents through painting, sculptures, installations and videos, a language carrying a heritage whose echo vibrates in the present.
Imad Mansour’s work oscillates between an aesthetic from elsewhere and critical engagement with denunciatory overtones. He directs his creations towards the dynamic search for space and rhythm. All his works are in movement, characters or material. Diverse in its form, multiple in its expression, varied in its materiality, his work explores the mechanism of vision and the place of the spectator. It sows confusion regarding the opposition between inside and outside, between reality and reproduction, between communication and silence. His creations shakes up public in their vision of the other, in their vision as spectator.
Imad Mansour’s work is part of the conceptual art movement, his sculpture, installations and videos are cross-views between a past always present in and through matter and timeless future. United in its genesis, plural in its form, the work of Imad Mansour merges in a perpetual movement in search of its origins, those of the world and those of oneself.
Jamila Hashimova
Jamila Hashimova Biography
Jamila Hashimova has generously offered three paintings as covers for one essay in French “Le système
international en transition, de la prolifération des acteurs au désordre programmé”, and two novels, on in
French, “La Réglisse” and one in Arabic “في القنطرة جلجلة”.
I am grateful to her for accepting that I share some of his paintings on this page of Visual Arts.
Who is Jamila Hashimova?
Jamila Hashimova studied at the Azerbaijan State Art College named after Azimzadeh. She graduates
from the painting faculty of the Azerbaijan State Institute of Culture and Art. Member of the Union of the
Artists of Azerbaijan. Since 2000, she has been working as an art director of Art Group. Since 2014, she
has been teaching painting at the Azerbaijan State Academy of Arts.
1996-Ataturk Cultural center, Erzurum, Turkey; 1998-Papal Palace, Theological Hall, Avignon,
France,1998-Lusanne, Switzerland, 1999-Museum Bassin, Istanbul, Turkey, 2000- French Cultural
Center, Istanbul, Turkey, 2001-Machka Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey, 2002-Biennale of Muslim Countries,
Teheran, Iran, 2011-Exhibition Pavilion of the Ministry of Culture of Flanders, Brussels, Belgium, 2012-
Gallery Berlin-Baku, Berlin, Germany,2018-Azerbaijan House of Culture in Paris, France, 2018- Roman
Senate, Rome, Italy,2019- Personal Exhibition within the Days of Azerbaijan, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Afet Akhundzade
Jamila Hashimova Biography
Jamila Hashimova has generously offered three paintings as covers for one essay in French “Le système international en transition, de la prolifération des acteurs au désordre programmé”, and two novels, on in French, “La Réglisse” and one in Arabic “في القنطرة جلجلة”.
I am grateful to her for accepting that I share some of his paintings on this page of Visual Arts.
Jamila Hashimova studied at the Azerbaijan State Art College named after Azimzadeh. She graduates from the painting faculty of the Azerbaijan State Institute of Culture and Art. Member of the Union of the Artists of Azerbaijan. Since 2000, she has been working as an art director of Art Group. Since 2014, she has been teaching painting at the Azerbaijan State Academy of Arts.
1996-Ataturk Cultural center, Erzurum, Turkey; 1998-Papal Palace, Theological Hall, Avignon, France,1998-Lusanne, Switzerland, 1999-Museum Bassin, Istanbul, Turkey, 2000- French Cultural Center, Istanbul, Turkey, 2001-Machka Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey, 2002-Biennale of Muslim Countries, Teheran, Iran, 2011-Exhibition Pavilion of the Ministry of Culture of Flanders, Brussels, Belgium, 2012- Gallery Berlin-Baku, Berlin, Germany,2018-Azerbaijan House of Culture in Paris, France, 2018- Roman Senate, Rome, Italy,2019- Personal Exhibition within the Days of Azerbaijan, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Mahjouba Kharraz
Mahjouba Kharraz has generously created and offered a painting as cover the novel “The Seagulls’
Wake-Up Whispers”.
I am grateful to her for accepting that I share some of his paintings on this page of Visual Arts.
Who is Mahjouba Kharraz?
Mahjouba Kharraz is a graduate of the Faculty of Letters and then of the Ecole Normale Supérieure of
Rabat. She continued her career as an English language teacher at the National Education Ministry and
then at the Pilots and Technicians Training Centre at Royal Air Maroc.
In parallel with her professional life, Mahjouba Kharraz devoted time to drawing and painting,
demonstrating an outstanding passion for fine arts and Arab calligraphy.
Abdelhaq Jniyen
Abdelhaq Jniyen Biography
Abdelhaq Jniyen has generously created and offered two covers for the novel ‘’Le chant des cascades’’ and the novel ‘’Les larmes du cactus’’.
I am grateful to him for accepting that I share some of his paintings on this page of Visual Arts.
Who’s Abdelhaq Jniyen?
Driven by the art and music that he practiced as an autodidact, Abdelhaq Jniyen decided to pursue an academic training to improve his knowledge in the fine arts. He took courses in drawing and painting techniques at the Triveni Institute in New Delhi in 1993-1994. He also taught drawing and painting at the Atelier du Centre Culturel Français in Rabat in the 1980s. He participated in a small collective exhibition in Canada and New Delhi.
Abdelhaq Jniyen is known for offering his works free of charge and forgetting to whom he gave them. That is why it is very difficult to know how much it has produced. A call is made for these people to sign up, because the ambition of this site is to organize a virtual exhibition to enable the public to discover his immense talent.
Qui est Abdelhaq Jniyen ?
Abdelhaq Jniyen m’a fait l’honneur de réaliser les couvertures de deux romans ‘’Le chant des cascades’’ et ‘’Les larmes du cactus’’. Versé dans l’art et la musique qu’il pratique en tant qu’autodidacte, il prend la décision de suivre une formation académique pour améliorer ses connaissances dans les arts plastiques. Il suit des cours de techniques de dessins et de peinture à l’Institut Triveni à New Delhi en 1993-1994 et des cours de dessins et de peinture à l’Atelier du Centre Culturel Français de Rabat dans les années 1980. Il participe à des expositions collectives au Canada et à New Delhi.
Abdelhaq Jniyen est connu pour offrir ses œuvres gratuitement et oubli à qui il les a données. C’est pour cette raison qu’il est très difficile de savoir combien il en a produit. Un appel est lancé pour ces personnes de se signaler, car l’ambition de ce site est de lui organiser une exposition virtuelle pour permettre au public de découvrir son immense talent.